"Get Money" Clothing Shoot - Behind the Scenes 122819

4th Anual Chicago House Music Festival 052519



Archie's Party 2016

Barabra Jones-Slater Celebration

Bobbie's 84.5 Birthday Celebration

Brenda Harris

Brenda Harris

Chicago 2006

Chicago 2016

Chicago 2016

Chicago 2017

Chicago 2017

Chicago 2017

Chicago 2019

Chicago Family Pictures

Family Pictures

Halstead Bridge

Kwanzaa @The Dusable "Kujichagulia" 2018

Kwanzaa @The DuSable "Umoja" 2018

Lynn Hilton @Buddy Guy's - Chicago



STECDS Prayer Breakfast 061023

STECDS Prayer Breakfast 061023

The Drum Circle 082822

Xmas Eve 2018 Family Photographs